Lunes, Disyembre 18, 2017

Image result for steph curry fail

Stephen Curry is a Bad player because he only knows how to take three points. But he do that to earn more money. he is a bad player because he cannot take a shot near a defender. He is also ABC. He is ABC because he always take it and shot it so it always misses. Stephen Curry's Strategy is only Run N Gun. Also his Coach cannot teach him because his coach is just an NBA Player because an NBA Player cannot be a coach. 

How to Install Nba 2K13

Image result for nba 2k13Image result for Nba 2k13

First in installing NBA 2K13 Install Utorrent in and Power Iso at Power after it installs go to the PirateBay.ToNext Search NBA 2K13 Reloaded.Click NBA 2K13 Reloaded and Click get this torrent.Next wait for it to Install.If it is finish installing right click the NBA 2K13 and click open containing folder.The Power Iso will open wait for it don't close it.find the Setup.exe and click it.Install it wait it until it is done.If it is already installed go to the folder of  NBA 2K13 and the Power Iso will open and if it already open go to the Crack folder.Copy all the files.Go to the app of NBA 2K13 Right Click click the Open File Location and Paste the Files.Double click the NBA 2K13 and you may now play.Comment if there is a Problem and I will tell you what to do. 

 Image result for nba 2k13 game playImage result for Nba 2k13 Ankle BreakersImage result for Nba 2k13 Three pointerImage result for Nba 2k13 Best Dunks

Linggo, Disyembre 17, 2017

NBA Moves How to: Sham God

Image result for sham god

 First in Sham God is do the V shape.

 Second get the ball dribble to the left or to the right.(Choose)

Third Drive and Layup. 

Martes, Disyembre 12, 2017

Why is Lavar Ball a bad Dad and Coach?

Image result for lavar ball

Do you know that Lavar Ball is a Bad Dad and Bad Coach because he let LaMelo Ball Home Schooling and he did'nt visit LeAngelo Ball In China that is Being Prisoned. He did not Teach Lonzo Ball well in playing Basketball because he cannot play well now in NBA. He did'nt teach LeAngelo Ball the right attitude because LeAngelo Ball stoled a Louie's Viton in China. He cannot also make his team win because the Mater Dei Monarchs has only 7'2'' Player named Bol Bol but they have LaMelo Ball that can make 92 points but they loss. He did not think the good of his child LaMelo ball because he only think to make LaMelo Ball a good Basketball Player. He did not Teach his children the right attitude. Why did he become a Dad?   

Image result for Professor live and bone collector
Who is the Best Teammates Professor Live and Bone Collector or LeBron James and Michael Jordan?
Image result for Lebron James and Michael Jordan
Image result for bol bol

Will you consider Bol Bol Joining the NBA?

If  you consider Bol Bol in NBA he has many functions like rebounding, foot up, ball handling and three point shooting.

Image result for professor live

Can Stephen Curry Defeat Professor Live?

Image result for stephen curry

Image result for Lebron James

For you can LeBron James can be a Point Guard?